About Me

Hi there! 

In online art communities I go by Robin or wildwithstars. I am a 23 year old graphic design student, graphic designer, and illustration artist. I have no experience with coding and web design but I am enthusiastic to learn. Yay!

You can find me and my art at: 
🐦 Twitter
📷 Instagram

My competency in the following programs 

a.) Adobe Acrobat: 
b.) Adobe Bridge: 
c.) Adobe Photoshop: 
d.) Adobe Dreamweaver: 
e.) Adobe InDesign: 
f.) Adobe Illustrator: 
g.) Blender: 
h.) iMovie: 

My expectations

By the end of this semester, I hope to have a confident understanding of coding, website design, accessibility, and interface. I also hope to make connections with my professor and peers.

My hobbies/interests

My hobbies include:
  • Making art
  • Reading books
  • Writing
  • Playing video games
  • Watching movies
  • Visiting art museums, whenever possible
My interests include:
  • Horror
  • Classical mythology
  • Nature and animals
  • Theater
  • Fashion
  • Recently I've finished Avatar: The Last Airbender, and I'm super into that right now? Great show, I highly recommend!

Thanks for reading!


  1. I really like how you organized the page , with all of the stylistic choices that you made . I especially like the GIF and the usage of the star rating system. Also, we have the same last name so go Lopez !(haha)

  2. Well, I can tell by the interest in ATLA we'll get along well, haha! It's one of my favourite shows.
    I really like how you arranged your page, and your art is really good!

    1. Thanks, that means a lot to me! And ATLA is definitely a favorite of mine now, too. The world building, animation, writing, is just brilliant. :)

  3. Hi there! Thanks so much for the kind words. It's very nice to meet you too!

  4. You absolutely killed this one, nice job. I feel inclined to do another one now.


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